Website renovations are complete! It looks pretty good around here, huh?
It’s been time for a refresh for a while. Actually getting it done is another story, especially in the middle of a pandemic (with young kids). You know who provided the catalyst for this? Jennie Kieffer and her amazing photography. I asked for new headshot photos, and HOLY MOLEY did she deliver!
(Seriously, Jennie is a photography wizard.)
(I feel so cool.)
Jennie also took photos of some of my favorite books, which you might recognize up in the banner on the homepage. I love the colors, I love the light… and the whole site needed to match. So: poof!
I also took the opportunity to update the content on a few pages. You’ll notice the Resources page is way more streamlined, and the Madagascar Literature page is completely reorganized and updated.
And I would love your help! Do you see something missing on the Madagascar page, or do you have another resource that would be good to add to the list? Let me know here!
I’m not going to overpromise unrealistic things and say that “oh, I’ll update the blog every week now!” or anything, because we all know it’s best not to put that kind of pressure on a creative type who’s also trying to parent two wonderful humans and survive a global health crisis and atrocious attacks on all sorts of innocent people around the world and… (oof.) But I have things in my head, and a little bit of brainspace to get them out. There are some fascinating evolutions in literary translation these days, both in the theory and the industry. There are good things to talk about, and good things to promote.
So let’s do this thing.
In a lovely new space. :-)