Johary Ravaloson

"Return to the Enchanted Island" Giveaway Winners!

Happy Monday, all!

We had two signed copies up for grabs of Return to the Enchanted Island, by Johary Ravaloson, translated by yours truly, published by AmazonCrossing. Please give a hearty congratulations to our two winners:

Twitter entrant @Patrick_Weill


Blog commenter Julia

I'll be contacting both of you shortly to get your mailing addresses!

And THANK YOU to everyone who commented and spread the word! If you're interested in purchasing your very own copy of the book, you can, right here.


"Return to the Enchanted Island" Giveaway

Happy pub date to my latest translation! It’s so exciting, we’re going to continue the ridiculously-named tradition here on this blog. Please, give a warm welcome to:

The Fourth Who-Knows-How-Often-These-Things-Will-Happen-Anymore-But-They-Will-Definitely-Happen A.M.C. Giveaway!

*assorted cheers and trumpets*

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(I get so lucky with covers.)

The Prize: Two (2) randomly-chosen people will each receive one (1) paperback copy of Return to the Enchanted Island by Johary Ravaloson, translated by yours truly, published by AmazonCrossing, released TODAY! The book will be signed by me and inscribed however the winners desire.

The Entry(-ies): There are two ways of entering, each of which grants you one entry (thus, each person can enter up to twice).

  1. Return to the Enchanted Island is a contemporary story with myths and legends intertwined. There are clay sculptures breathed to life, lilypads as a means of transportation across the ocean, and a traveler who never gets wet. In honor of this, comment on this post with your favorite myth or legend — and we’ll see how many stories from around the world share some common threads!

  2. To help spread the word, tweet a link to this post. You must either tweet at me (@sunshineabroad) or include the hashtag #EnchantedIslandGiveaway.

The Deadline: End of this week! Sunday, November 10, at 11:59 p.m. ET.

The Process (and some rules): After the contest closes, I will randomly select two entrants (using a random number generator). The winners will be announced on this blog on Monday, November 11. I will then contact the winners for their mailing address. Anyone with a valid mailing address anywhere in the world may enter. Limit two entries per person.

The Why: This book is enchanting. I’m biased, but it’s also true. Let’s spread the reading love a bit.

Good luck, everyone!